Presentations – Tactical
One Belt, Two Belt – A Six Sigma Primer
For the last several years everyone is talking about Six Sigma – but there are a lot of misconceptions about what Six Sigma really is. It is NOT just a manufacturing tool, or a statistical nightmare, or a magic pill… Actually Six Sigma is a PHILOSOPHY and a METHODOLOGY for reducing variation in a process. (That really cleared it up for you didn’t it.) Like any other tool, if it is properly applied it will improve your processes, increase effectiveness and positively affect your bottom line. Improperly applied it will confuse everyone, complicate your processes, etc. Obviously the trick is to apply it properly.
This discussion will explore, at a fairly high level, what Six Sigma really is, some of the tools that are used by the methodology and some of the philosophy of when and where to apply Six Sigma. The intention is to help you to understand Six Sigma well enough to understand when and where it would be useful to apply.
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